Lyons Park

Lyons Park

In August of 2022 the DDA engaged in an agreement with Wade Trim to develop a proposal for professional landscape architecture and engineering services for the Lyons Park Master Plan project. The scope of services provided by Wade Trim included a kickoff meeting with the DDA to understand the scope of work and the elements of the park. Through a 2020 public engagement study outlined in the DDA's Economic Enhancement Strategy, the community professed a need for a public space that serves as an inclusive civic engagement area in Grosse Ile. These findings were presented to Wade Trim as they produced a Topographic Survey, Data Collection and Site Inventory and Analyses. Once these were conducted, a Preliminary Mater Plan Alternatives were created, where the DDA chose "Concept B" which is shown below. 

Lyons Park Concept B:

Upon approval of the concept plan, Wade Trim & X-Identity created a final rendering of Lyons Park. The rendering has been utilized to apply for several grants, including Wayne County State and Local Recovery Fund & the Revitalization and Placemaking grants through the Michigan Economic Development Corporation. With the project totaling approximately $750,000, securing grants and outside funds are essential to completing the development. 

Lyons Park Final Rendering:

The final rendering provides an inclusive community gathering area, encompassed by circular walking path for pedestrians to access the park, with several areas to rest and enjoy future art installations.

Most notably, our Community Fused Glass Wall Sculpture will be installed on the northeast side of the park, estimated to be completed by late 2025. This piece will be comprised of glass panels created by the public at Township hosted events over the next year. Wyandotte Art & Glass Center will be present at various events, where the public will be invited to place pieces of glass into molds, which will be fused and added to the wall.

Furthermore, the space will be utilized for future event programming for events like Island Nights, Ladies Night Out, and the future location of our Christmas tree lighting ceremony, Island Glow. The space is intentionally created with the idea that the park can be utilized for community events, while providing Island residents with a "Third Place" in our community, that being a familiar public spot where the community can connect with others over a shared interest or activity.

Tentative Construction Timeline (Project may be completed earlier if grant funds are captured):

  • 2024:
  • Install circular path
  • Install foundation for Community Fused Glass Wall Sculpture
  • Install trees along the north & west property lines
  • Install trees next to the GI Sculpture
  • 2025:
  • Install first & second phase of the Community Fused Glass Wall Sculpture
  • Install alternative turf materials for seating areas
  • Install tables, chairs and benches
  • 2026:
  • Install final phase of the Community Fused Glass Wall Sculpture
  • Install pergola
  • 2027:
  • Install final landscaping materials & lighting

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We want to share what we've been working on

DDA Master Plan

  1. Analyze Existing Conditions
  2. Activate Macomb Street Through a Public Engagement Process
  3. Identify Public Improvements For a Design Enhancement Plan
  4. Develop a Public Arts Plan

Economic Enhancement Strategy

The Grosse Ile Township Downtown Development Authority (DDA) was established in 1992 as a tool to promote economic growth and

development within the Macomb Street

business district. Under State Law, the DDA may capture tax increment revenues and expend funds toward economic development-related initiatives within the DDA District boundaries. 


The Downtown Development Authority was first conceived in 1991 as a result of Mike Johnson's desire to develop a more viable downtown district on Macomb Street, the heart of Grosse lle's business district. In 1992 Supervisor Bruce Sells appointed the first board of the DDA.

The purpose of DDA is to attract people to Macomb Street. The DDA looks forward to Macomb being the place to walk, gather as a community, or simply visit.

Facade Improvement Grant

The Grosse Ile Township Downtown Development Authority (DDA) was created to

grow, strengthen & promote the economic health and vitality of our downtown business

district on Macomb Street, while generating a greater connection with our residents and

island guests. The purpose of the DDA is to attract people and businesses to Macomb


Our Grant program provides funding to owners of new businesses moving to the DDA

District or existing businesses that expand or improve their current presence within the


A maximum of $5,000.00 will be awarded to Grant Recipients.

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